Circular Lab 2022

How to make music festivals more circular? mellow designs partnered with Circular Lab to create circular pop-up stands for the Roskilde Festival 2022, upcycling Euro Pallets and contributing to cost savings and  environmental impact reduction mellow designs had the privilege of being chosen by Circular Lab, a leading circular economy laboratory project established by the […]



Circular Solutions for a Municipality?​ mellow designs collaborated with Musicon Bydelen in Roskilde to seek more circular economy solutions for Danish municipalities In the summer of 2019, mellow designs team was invited to participate in the Musicon Hackaton competition, where the goal was to create innovative solutions for circular economy in municipalities across Denmark. The […]

switching gears on sustainability: should we do something NOW?

switching gears on sustainability: should we do something NOW? Introduction The climate crisis is an unprecedented challenge that affects every facet of our world today. It demands immediate and decisive action, urging us to move beyond incremental changes towards a fundamental transformation of our economic, social, and financial systems. In this article, we delve into […]

eco-anxiety as new phenomena?

How to Cope with Eco-Anxiety: Practical Steps to Make a Positive Impact Introduction: Understanding Eco-Anxiety In today’s world, many of us strive to make environmentally conscious choices, driven by a desire to contribute positively to the planet. However, the overwhelming nature of this task can often lead to feelings of uncertainty and anxiety. The term […]

what is CIRCULARITY and its relation to the economy?

WellHigh festival

What is a Circular Economy? Understanding the Sustainable Cycle If you’ve ever wondered about the term “circular economy,” you’re not alone. The concept can seem daunting at first, but breaking it down into smaller pieces reveals its significance and potential impact. Let’s delve into what exactly entails and why it’s becoming increasingly crucial in today’s […]

a world without waste: exploring the feasibility of a fully recycled economy

mellow designs, copenhagen

a world without waste: exploring the feasibility of a fully recycled economy Introduction In our modern world, the issue of waste management has become increasingly pressing. The concept of a world without waste, where every material is recycled into new goods, has captured the imagination of environmentalists and economists alike. But is such a vision […]

what lessons have we learned from the national climate summit?

Mellow Wall™ Materials

what lessons have we learned from the national climate summit? During the annual National Climate Summit, organized by Klimatorium – Danmarks Internationale Klimacenter, Lemvig Kommune, and Region Midtjylland, professionals across the sectors of energy, water, climate adaptation, and circular economy came together with top researchers and experts to show concrete paths towards adaptation to climate […]

is this the best time for innovators to get involved in tackling sustainability?

is this the best time for innovators to get involved in tackling sustainability? Introduction of sustainability There is an increasing demand to lower carbon footprint and get involved in sustainability across the globe. Now more than ever! We need to de-link economic growth from the use of finite natural resources. One way to do this […]


Office partition wall re-invented mellow designs created mellow wall™, an eco-friendly and cost-effective circular partition wall made from upcycled scaffolding and sustainable biomaterials, for Arup’s new office in Warsaw mellow designs had the incredible opportunity to team up with Workplace, a research & design studio specializing in shaping tailor-made work environments, to design a truly […]