

Reffen mellow designs collaborated with Reffen – Copenhagen Street Food to create an event called Creative Circle that showcased their circular design and promoted sustainability through various workshops, talks, and music, with the participation of other startups and organizations problem solving The problem was clear – traditional ways of consuming and producing goods are not […]

Circular Lab 2022

How to make music festivals more circular? mellow designs partnered with Circular Lab to create circular pop-up stands for the Roskilde Festival 2022, upcycling Euro Pallets and contributing to cost savings and  environmental impact reduction mellow designs had the privilege of being chosen by Circular Lab, a leading circular economy laboratory project established by the […]



Circular Solutions for a Municipality?​ mellow designs collaborated with Musicon Bydelen in Roskilde to seek more circular economy solutions for Danish municipalities In the summer of 2019, mellow designs team was invited to participate in the Musicon Hackaton competition, where the goal was to create innovative solutions for circular economy in municipalities across Denmark. The […]